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Ruger Stainless Firearms

Ruger Stainless Revolvers

New Model Single Six, Super Single Six, New Model Blackhawk, Vaquero XR3-Red, New Vaquero XR3 2005, 
50th Anniversary Blackhawk 2006, Super Blackhawk, New Model Super Blackhawk, 
Birdshead, Bisley, Security Six, Redhawk

Our Grips Are Not Guaranteed to Fit Stainless Steel Frames.
If You Choose To Try Them & They Don't Fit,
We Will Refund Your Merchandise Cost, But Not Shipping Fees.

Many Customers Ask WHY?

The difference is that the blued models are cast into an injection mold.
The stainless models are cut with a CNC machine. Stainless is also a very hard material.
Often there are slight variations in the stainless model. Occasionally, they do fit.

Many of the Ruger blogs state the same thing about after market grips.
"Sometimes they can be modified; sometimes they just don’t fit."

Example from one site:
“We've known customers with Stainless Rugers to try several different grips

from different grip companies & still not get the fit they want.
It is not uncommon for two apparently identical stainless guns, that the grips will fit one perfectly
& the other one will have major problems, While The Grips All Fit Blued Models Perfectly."
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